
Building the Next Generation Media Supply Chain

The media supply chain we've created has led to a host of unintended consequences: too many steps between publishers and brands, brands and consumers and a proliferation of businesses that don't add value. MediaMath and partners including Rubicon Project and others are pursuing a shared mission to create an accountable and addressable supply chain through an alliance of agencies, brands, tech companies and publishers. It's designed to help digital marketing perform better in the long term...

Your Ads Are Viewable, But Are They Memorable?

Understand the critical metrics that viewability alone doesn't measure. And uncover new ideas about visibility as a performance indicator as Kargo explores various digital platforms to understand which types of ad units capture visual attention in its latest research study, 'Viewability vs Visibility'.

Finally a breakthrough in TV. Target and Disney re-imagine television for advertisers.

Two innovators are collaborating to bring media solutions and accountability to your largest ad spend – TV. It’s time to change the value conversation in our industry. The upside to driving topline growth is far greater than the benefit of driving down media cost. Learn how closed loop measurement and insights on real consumers from Roundel, combined with first-ever Linear TV Optimization from Disney, are blazing a frontier in advertising that has been absent for television...until now.

Transparency & Accountability: The Story of Sleeping Giants

After the 2016 election, anonymous Twitter account Sleeping Giants urged people to collect screenshots of ads on Breitbart, and then questioned brands about their support of the site—correctly guessing that many companies didn't know where their ads were running. Amid an era where facts can feel ambiguous, our connected world also means we live in glass houses where honest truth is vital. Hear the story of Sleeping Giants, and explore what our changing world means for increasing brand...

Media Planning: Beyond Byron, Binet and Bytes

If you follow the industry narrative, you’d be forgiven for thinking that media planning is simply a case of applying the works of Byron Sharp or Binet and Field, combined with some precisely-targeted programmatic activity. Mike Deane, Chief Strategy Officer at MediaCom lays out the guide to planning for the modern brand.

Podcasts: Hitting The Sweet Spot

The Guardian's Head of Audio, Katherine Godfrey will be joined by a panel of advertisers, planners and podcasters to discuss the craft behind audio storytelling, and getting it wrong and right on the journey to the sweet spot.
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